Statistical Analysis vs. Data Profiling

December 01, 2022

Data analytics is becoming increasingly important as more organizations seek to make data-driven decisions in this digital age. Within data analytics, two terms that are often used interchangeably are statistical analysis and data profiling. However, these two approaches are quite different in terms of methodology, purpose, and output. Let's compare the two in-depth to highlight their differences.


Statistical analysis involves the use of mathematical models and software tools to analyze and interpret data. It relies on statistical methods such as regression analysis, correlation analysis, and hypothesis testing. Statistical analysis is used to test hypotheses, make predictions, and identify patterns in data.

In contrast, data profiling involves the exploration of data to gain insights into its structure, content, and quality. It is an exploratory process that aims to understand the data at hand. Data profiling involves activities like identifying data types, locating outliers, and discovering patterns.


The purpose of statistical analysis is to understand the relationships between variables, make predictions, and test hypotheses. It is used to provide insights into the data and identify patterns that may not be readily apparent. Statistical analysis can be used for a wide variety of purposes, such as in the social sciences, business, and economics.

On the other hand, data profiling is primarily used to understand the data itself. It is used to explore the quality and content of the data and identify issues or inconsistencies. Data profiling is often the first step in data cleaning, data integration, and data transformation. It is an important tool for improving the overall quality of the data.


The output of statistical analysis is typically a set of statistical measures, such as means, standard deviation, and correlation coefficients. It may also include graphs or charts that illustrate the relationships between variables. The findings of statistical analysis are often presented in reports or academic papers.

In contrast, the output of data profiling is primarily a set of descriptive statistics, such as the frequency of occurrence of different data values, the number of missing values, and the percentage of unique values. It may also include graphical representations of the data, such as histograms or scatter plots. The findings of data profiling are typically used to inform decisions about how to clean, integrate, or transform the data.

In conclusion, statistical analysis and data profiling represent two different approaches to analyzing data. While both are important tools for data analytics, they have different methodologies, purposes, and outputs. By understanding the differences between them, data analysts can choose the most appropriate approach for their particular needs.


  1. Von Hagen, W. (2003). Data profiling revisited. DM Review, 13(9), 22-26.
  2. Thakare, M. (2016). A review of statistical analysis and data mining applications in healthcare. International Journal of Engineering Research and General Science, 4(2), 402-408.
  3. Rud, O. P. (2019). Modern statistical analysis in experimental studies. Journal of Business and Economic Statistics, 37(3), 521-528.

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